How Do I Organize My Home if i have A lot of Stuff?

Does it seem like every time you turn around, you’re surrounded by piles of ‘stuff’? Do you feel like you have too much of everything? Are you overwhelmed with the thought of where or even how to start the organizing process? If this sounds like you, don’t worry because it’s a very common feeling. Yes, you can still organize your home, even if it feels like there’s too much stuff everywhere.
First Step To Organizing Your Home if you have A Lot Of Stuff
First, take a deep breath and start with baby steps. The most important thing to remember is that you’re NOT going to be able to declutter and organize your entire house overnight, so don’t even try. Start small, and work your way up. One of the best ways to start the decluttering process is to focus on one area at a time. Don’t try to tackle your entire house all at once. You’ll only overwhelm yourself by trying and eventually give up on the entire process.
Start With 1 Room When Organizing
Start with one room, or even one closet or one drawer. Go through everything in that space, and get rid of anything that you don’t need or use. If you’re not sure where to start, pick a room that bothers you the most and start there. If you love to cook and spend most of your time in the kitchen, then that would be the perfect place to start. Go through all of your cabinets and drawers and get rid of anything that you don’t need. Be honest with yourself about what you will and will not use. When was the last time you actually used that Kitchen Aid mixer or bread maker that you registered for 10 years ago? If it’s been awhile, then it’s finally time to either sell or donate it. Keep all of your horizontal surfaces clutter free. When counters and tabletops have things that don’t belong on them, it can make a home look messy and disorganized. Make it a habit of regularly clearing off all of your countertops, tables, and other horizontal surfaces.
Decluttering Your Home
Once you’ve decluttered one area, move on to the next. Slowly but surely, you’ll make your way through your entire house. And the more you declutter, the easier it will be to keep your home organized. In addition to decluttering, there are a few other things you can do to help keep your home organized.
Always designate a place for everything!! When you know where things belong, it’s so much easier to keep your home organized and clutter-free. You might want to label the designated places in the beginning to make sure that everyone in your family knows where everything belongs. It will help keep all of you on the same page. Have a specific place for your keys, your mail, bills, school papers, and anything else that tends to end up scattered around the house. Once you’ve designated places for all of your stuff, it is so important to remember to always put your things away as soon as you’re done using them. Don’t leave dishes in the sink or clothes on the floor. Once those piles start to build, you could fall back into the same place where you started. If you put everything away immediately, you’ll find it so much easier to keep your home organized.
Make A Habit Of Decluttering
Finally, make a habit of decluttering on a regular basis. Once you’ve decluttered your entire house, it’s important to maintain that level of organization. Set aside some time each week to go through your home and get rid of anything that you don’t need or use. If you follow these few simple tips, you’ll find it so much easier to keep your home organized, even if it feels like you have too much stuff.